Plans and Ideas

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These are thing you can do if you have:

SKILLS - I didn't come up with instructions, so look and read to get the idea, not the exact replica.

TOOLS - Have a saw, some glue, a drill, drill bits, diver bits, and plenty of hardware, also buy a cheap soldering iron from BUCK OR TWO.

SUPPLY - ALWAYS have pipes if you like making new cannons.

Just a few tips:

Every Single One of the Images Below are Made by Me and All of the Ideas are Mine. Email me to put your ideas on my site, or to ask me a question :, You Will be Credited.

These are three cannons I like, I hate buying heavy 3" pipes so these are all made of only 2" pipes, I think you can figure out what thingy is what. I just completed the first two!!

The picture is to scale.


My first AirCannon, coming soon, I am waiting for the new Home Depot to open, because I am 15 and cant drive, so I walk 30 min to Canadian Tires to get stuff. All parts are pressure tested PVC Sch40 2" pipes, a ball valve is not the best idea but it is the cheapest and easiest to use. The picture is to scale.

My gun have two valves, so I can load my gun without breech loading, to shoot water, or to add custom gas canisters.

For amazing plans and amazing guns with amazing instructions, go to PVC Ballistics.




This picture is not made by me, I found it at 


This is my version of the piston valve, it is very easy to make, it is not the real one, I changed it into my version, and how I will make it.


This is what I am trying to make, already half done, it is a semi auto paintball bolt/pump action and maybe I can get it to be full auto.


When setting up an ignition, it is best to use screws, or better yet, use nuts and bolts. And also drill holes with wide openings so the screw won't stick out, and seal with hot glue, and cover with duct tape if you like. See my diagram that explains the steps.


Make a handle, get a 1"x1" stick of wood, cut it 5" long and drill a hole to let you tie a zip-tie to the wood and barrel, then drill a hole to put your BBQ igniter into.


Wire 4 screws in series circuit to get two sparks, ideally on each end of the combustion chamber.


AOL DISK GUN, a simple slot in the barrel can let you launch those free AOL CDs at stuff. This is not tested


Go to and for wicked ideas


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